10 warning signs of Dyslexia and 5 reasons it may be an advantage
What is Dyslexia?
Infographic-IDA-Definition of Dyslexia
It is estimated that up to 20% of students in the United States are dealing with dyslexia, which is the most common learning issue affecting education today. Unfortunately, the school drop-out rate for dyslexics is very high, reaching up to 35%, which is twice the national average school drop-out rate. If you or someone you care for has exhibited symptoms listed in the symptom checker infographic, it may be a good idea to get in touch with a psychologist who specializes in Psychoeducational Evaluations. A professional can answer your questions and provide you with a formal diagnosis if necessary. They can also advocate on your behalf to ensure that the school system meets your child's educational needs.
Infographic | 10 warning signs of Dyslexia
Parent Tip #1 - Labeling
Parents should be aware that dyslexia can be identified as a neurobiological difference rather than a "disorder" or "disability"”
For too long, school administrators and school psychologists have used diagnostic terms such as disability or disorder incorrectly. These unnecessary labels cause damage to student’s self-esteem and reduce their perceptions of self-efficacy.
While we may have to use these diagnostic terms in our professional reports to achieve accommodations, we SHOULD NOT use this terminology with our children. Just because something has been done one way for a long time doesn't make it right. We don't have to wait for the professional world to change. We can make the change in our own homes. One of the ways I ensure that a diagnosis doesn't turn into a damaging label is through Cognitive Reframing
For example:
5 advantages commonly shared by people with dyslexia, Including Albert Einstein
Often highly creative
Persistent and able to push through complex situations.
Can grasp new concepts quickly.
Recognize patterns and connections that others do not
Higher aptitude for problem-solving
I also use examples of how they may benefit from having dyslexia as an adult. Reframing the initial conversation around dyslexia can be comforting and inspirational for the student.
Example :
What do people with dyslexia and entrepreneurs have in common?
Infographic | Link between dyslexia and entrepreneurs
Apparently quite a bit, the BBC commissioned a study to analyze the minds of 300 millionaire entrepreneurs. When they did cognitive testing, they found out 40% of them were dyslexic. In fact, another study indicates that if you have dyslexia, you are five times more likely to become an entrepreneur than the average citizen.
The Importance of Early Diagnosis of Learning Difficulties.
Dyslexics, unless diagnosed and helped early on in their school career, will suffer from varying levels of emotional pain. Low self-esteem, self-doubt; dropping out and even substance abuse are all symptoms of an undiagnosed Learning Difficulty. Given the severity of these outcomes, it's essential to screen for an early diagnosis to ensure successful treatment. Here are three age-based Dyslexia screeners you can to use before getting a formal evaluation. They are free, brief, and effective screeners.
This can be a confusing time for parents and students. Dealing with the school system is another cause for confusion and also increases the risk for " Negative Labeling". If you are in the Charlotte, NC area, I would be more than happy to help with testing, advocating, and implementing treatment for your child.
If you are not in the Charlotte, NC area, I do offer to skype consulting services. These services have proven to be affordable and very useful for parents to get pro-level advice and increase their advocacy skills. Here are a few of the areas we can address.
Review and provide analysis of Private sector evaluations.
Review and provide analysis of School Psycholgist evaluations.
Develop school negotiation strategy.
Drafting correspondence with school officials on your Behalf
General education and strategy tips for parents just starting the process of securing student accommodations.
Guidance on how to have conversations with your child about learning Differences.